Finally landed in Riyadh!!!
At the airport we were greeted by King Faisal Research Hospital staff. You know when you are getting off the plane and you see people holding name cards for other passengers and you secretly wish it was your name? Well that is how we were greeted! What wonderful hospitality. I got a SIM card for my phone right at the airport - which was so convenient and the driver loaded our luggage and with my apartment key in hand we headed off to KFRH!

We arrived around 5 am to the apartment, unpacked, and at 11:30, I was greeted by the program coordinator Ruby who brought coffee and Dunkins Donuts (exactly what we needed). My orientation began soon after. Ruby took me around to see the hospital facilities and showed me the Training and Development center where I am currently teaching. It really is wonderful to have some one show you around! I spent the first week - getting my ID badge, social club membership, access to logins, touring facilities, meeting other faculty, getting my internet and cable set up.. so much accomplished in one week! Thanks Ruby!
King Faisal Research Hospital! WOW
A large facility, with a very diverse employee population. I believe that you can find almost every single nationality working here. Marble floors and long hallways, several eating facilities, salons, convenience store, employee social club, swimming pools for staff, gyms...these are only some of the amenities provided here. I find the hospital to be unique and welcoming - it seems as though there are thousands of employees working here. It is like a city within a city..

I am sure that many of you are wondering.. do you have to wear the abaya? The answer is yes! In the hospital, I wear a lab coat over my clothing but, I do also have to dress modestly as it is an Islamic country. Alot of the women here also cover their faces revealing only beautiful brown middle eastern eyes. Karen lent me her abayas to wear until I got my own! Shopping for Abayas is another thing all together. I thought - how difficult can it be to buy an abaya? But...I have been to over 20 abaya stores and have yet to find a couple that I can truly be happy wearing - there are so many designs and they vary in cost...anywhere from 80 riyals up to 6000 riyals! ( 1 Canadian Dollar = 3.75 Riyals). I figure, if I am going to buy an abaya - I want to go allll out! I will keep you posted on my first abaya purchase!
I got to meet my students the day after I arrived. They were so wonderful - 7 women and 3 men. All are hospital employees completing the Exec Admin program offered through Niagara College at the hospital. This will be my second week teaching them and I am enjoying them more and more each day.
Stay tuned for my next blog about seeing some old friends who I missed dearly and all of the wonderful places they took us to in just one week!
Also...stay tuned for the Camel Souq (Camel market!), Riyadh tour, seeing the Edge of the World!
I will leave you with photo of the week.....Can you guess what I am holding?!