Monday, September 2, 2013

Getting ready for Riyadh!

If you saw me during the last three weeks before leaving Canada for Saudi Arabia - then you will know  what a busy time it was for me!   I tried to see my friends, finish my work and most importantly...spend time with my family.

I guess so many things ran through my mind leaving everything I love behind to take on this wonderful opportunity to travel and see Saudi Arabia.
While I was planning my travels..I decided that I was going to take a few extra months for self 
discovery and personal development.  Even though I have been fortunate to see so many countries around the world, I feel that life is just too short not to see the rest of it.
I hope you join me over the next few months while I travel to different parts of the world!  My first adventure begins where I will be working at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia!  

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