Monday, September 2, 2013

Evil Eyes...Istanbul Airport

After a very interesting flight on Turkish Airlines, I finally landed in Istanbul!

I would have loved a wait time between my flights that was long enough to leave the airport and be able to walk around the streets of Istanbul, but unfortunately....I only had a 4 hour until my flight to Riyadh.  Istanbul's airport was unique..there was a bazaar where they gave away all different kinds of turkish delight! Naturally, I tried each one...more than once!!! LOL

Evil Eyes..
Call it superstitious, but I never felt safer than when I walked into the Bazaar and saw hundreds of blue eyes looking at me..thats right..the Evil Eyes..  They were on wall decorations, bracelets, pottery, bookmarks, mousepads, ipad covers, you name it.  So if you ever feel the need to keep evil away from you, look no further..just fly to the Turkish airport and stock up.  They were so beautiful - almost all were an Azurian blue..

Turkish Ice Cream..
Of course..I had to try it when I saw the man using this long utensil to stir the ice cream and then place it on the cone so perfectly!  I tried Pistachio Turkish Ice was fabulous..

Loved the Turks at the airport..but I am excited to land in Riyadh!  Off we go!

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